Weekend Course Outline
Day 1
- Introductions
- Pregnancy anatomy & terminology
- Labour overview – stages and phases of labour
- Getting your baby in the best position for labour and birth
- Stress and its effects on labour
- Signs of labour
- Understanding pain in labour
- Natural childbirth (first stage)
- Labour support – comfort measures, relaxation and positions for labour
- Pain management options
- Interventions
- Making informed decisions
- Birth plans
Day 2
- Birth of the baby and placenta (second and third stages)
- Newborn procedures and appearances
- Cesarean birth
- Postpartum physical recovery
- Breastfeeding
- What to expect the first few weeks
- Emotional aspects including Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- Baby care – changing diapers, bathing, umbilical cord care, etc.
- Attachment parenting: safe co-sleeping, babywearing, etc.
- Course evaluations